Dproto 0.8.68 [04/08/2010]


Członek Załogi
Najnowsza wersja dproto.
- Improvements/bugfixes in fakeplayers/packet flood detection code
- AMXX API and example plugins updated
- Fixed bug with cid_AVSMP, it was always 1
- Added useful commands for threats monitoring, check Readme.txt

- bugfix, bugfix, bugfix, bugfix....
- Added support for AVSMP clients

- fix for random svc_bads on connect

- proper bots detection method in fakeplayers detector

- fixed problems with AMD engines
- fixed hybrid answer mode
- fakeplayers detector won't kick and ban bots anymore

- fixed crash when working with bans DB (banid)
- fix in new revEmu auth code

- project moved to new versioning system; version format for now is MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION
- added support for latest linux engine.
- added support for new revEmu/SteamClient2009 clients
- added config options to set first prefix of steamid for clients. For example, revEmu clients may be marked as STEAM_4_0_xx
- added 2-level protection against all kinds of fake players
- added protection against flooding server with connectionless (PlayerList, ServerInfo, Rules) queries.
- added option (HLTVExcept_IP) to allow HLTVs from specified address to join the server even if cid_HLTV is 5 (deprectated). May be useful if you using HLTVReport plugin, but you dont want to allow another HLTVs to join your server.
- Source code will not be available anymore.
- (untested) "The VAC problem" (when VAC banned clients are able to join server) should be fixed.

- fixed buffer overflow vulnerability in SV_ParseCvarValue2()
- fixed crash for linux servers, when server started as unprivileged user that not able to write to server root directory.

- fixed problem with dropping clients with "Unknown HLTV Type" message
- fix in anti-svc_bad code, it should work fine now

Przejdź do cstrike/addons i utwórz nowy folder o nazwie dproto
Wklej do niego plik dproto.dll (dla windows) lub dproto.so dla linux`a
Otwórz cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini i na końcu dopisz:
Dla Windows:
win32 addons\dproto\dproto.dll
Dla linux:
linux addons/dproto/dproto_i386.so
Skopiuj dproto.cfg do głównego katalogu serwera (jeden przed cstrike)

W paczce pliku poukładane wg folderów.


  • dproto_0_8_68_CSSupport.rar
    147,8 KB · Wyświetleń: 2

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